Would You Please Start Arguing Part 4 of 4

Would You Please Start Arguing Part 4 of 4

I ended last week on one way that I teach constructive disagreement–through investigating bias and trying a new argument style. Constructive disagreement is what I want from my students–at the college level, I want them to go beyond Graham’s Hierarchy of...
Planting Seeds: Empowering Open Advocacy

Seeing My Students Soar

This is my seventh post for the 9x9x25 Challenge.

This evening while I was waiting at the airport to board my plane to Toronto for TESS 2018, I ran into one of my former students. I taught her when she …

Would You Please Start Arguing Part 4 of 4

Would You Please Start Arguing Part 3 of 4

Where we left off last week is that people have trouble constructively disagreeing and prefer to shut down and dismiss instead of hearing out or seeking out debate and opposition. In fact, some so distrust these actions that they actively distrust journalistic media...
Using Reflection in the Classroom

Using Reflection in the Classroom

Last Friday’s Friday Forum focused on using reflection and metacognition in the classroom. We talked about using student reflection for two purposes: 1) instructor’s information–we can use student reflection to assess learning, pacing, and/or achievement of...