Go to Class or Study? 9x9x25 Post #7

Go to Class or Study? 9x9x25 Post #7

So, what am I going to reflect on this week? Good Question.

Last week, all was fairly quiet in my teaching world.

One class spent the week doing review for their test next week.

The other class was quiet, but …

I Memorize Names the First Day. Hate Me.

I Memorize Names the First Day. Hate Me.

You’re probably curious about WHY I would bother to do such a crazy, stressful, unnecessary thing, but I’ll going to start with the HOW instead. I’m pretty good at faces, but terrible at names. So to compensate, I use all the usual tricks everyone already knows, like...
A Tribute to Little Things

A Tribute to Little Things

Our first teachers are our families, and after my parents, nobody taught me more than my grandpa, Richard Post, who passed away two weekends ago. My grandfather taught me a lot of Big Things, of course. But it was the little things I learned from him that I’ve found...
Would You Please Start Arguing Part 4 of 4

Would You Please Start Arguing Part 4 of 4

I ended last week on one way that I teach constructive disagreement–through investigating bias and trying a new argument style. Constructive disagreement is what I want from my students–at the college level, I want them to go beyond Graham’s Hierarchy of...