

The answer is the question. What can I ask myself that propels my motivation? What piques my interest that beckons me further? What keeps me in motion once I have started seeking? What paths do I find that distract me from my goals? What routes are tangents that...
The Age-Old Old-Age Question

The Age-Old Old-Age Question

I wore a tie every day my first two-years teaching. It was not a dress code requirement, nor was it a fashion statement. I hate ties. No, I wore a tie because without one I would have been confused for an underclassman’s big brother. For a long time, I taught like a...
Fall Conference PD

Fall Conference PD

During this fall PD, I had the opportunity to attend some amazing sessions. I especially appreciated learning from my peers in other departments. I discussed a book (The Power of Moments by the Heath Brothers-I recommend it!) with human resources, public relations,...


We have had Border Collies on our sheep farm since 1993 when a student gifted me with his 9-month-old Border Collie, Doyle, who was not going to transition well to an apartment when he moved up to Houghton. When Doyle moved in we tried to be careful to keep him...