professional development Articles

What I’m doing on my Summer “Vacation”

What I’m doing on my Summer “Vacation”

We’re making memories.  I’m giving my kids experiences I never could have had growing up. And we’re learning.  As a writer at heart, I’m having these kiddos keep journals/scrapbooks of these adventures.  And I’ll be documenting them here on the blog as well. It’ll be the summer to remember.

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Alternative Assessments using UDL

Alternative Assessments using UDL

In late February, the Educational Technology Organization of Michigan (ETOM) hosted a virtual workshop on Alternative Assessments using Univeral Design for Learning. We were excited to have Lillian Nave lead the workshop and present so many wonderful examples and...

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ETOM Conference Recap

ETOM Conference Recap

Ben Post and I traveled to Grand Valley State University on November 4th for the ETOM (Educational Technology Organization of Michigan) Annual Fall Conference. Co-presenting a session called, "Faculty Support Strategies for Post-Covid Campuses", we facilitated a...

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POD Fest: How to Get Started in Podcasting

POD Fest: How to Get Started in Podcasting

Podcasts + POD Network = POD Fest From one of my favorite resources for faculty and faculty development, the POD Network is hosting an event on December 1st for all individuals interested in learning about podcasting. It will be a free event using Zoom Events. ...

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Submit Your Proposal for the ETOM Conference

Submit Your Proposal for the ETOM Conference

Call for Proposals The ETOM Conference is back to “in-person.” The first F2F conference since 2019! The conference will have 45-minute sessions in four (4) breakouts.  As always, the FOCUS of the fall conference is on faculty; what they need to hear and what they...

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2022 ITC eLearning Conference

2022 ITC eLearning Conference

Last week, I attended the annual eLearning conference by the Instructional Technology Council in Las Vegas. An actual in-person conference with a keynote, concurrent sessions, collaboration, and connection with great colleagues from across the country. It was my first...

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