Canvas is Coming

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Dear Sherry: New Year, Fresh Start

Dear Sherry: New Year, Fresh Start

Dear Sherry, I want to start off the new year on a great path with a fresh start. I've made a resolution to tidy up my documents and wondered if you could set me on the right path? Yours truly, Jane Schmoe Dear Jane, Happy New Year! I am so glad you have made this...

Getting Started with Tech @ NMC

Getting Started with Tech @ NMC

Spring 2024 Quick Bytes Course Schedule To register via NEOED Learn, please follow these instructions: NeoEd Learn - Registering for Courses Instructions - for Quick Bytes All courses are offered on Thursday at 3pm via Zoom.  Please ensure your camera is on during our...

#RUMoodleReady? is Thursday, January 11th!

#RUMoodleReady? is Thursday, January 11th!

Are you interested in learning about the new features in Moodle version 4.2? Do you need a META shell and help importing course content? Has the Moodle attendance activity gotten you confused (again)? Are you generally panicking about the start of the spring semester...

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  the move to Canvas.