Friday Forums

The first Friday in February, March, and April.

12:30 PM in TJNIC 104/105

February 21 and April 18

10:00 AM in the Library Reading Room

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming (Free) Conference Opportunities

Upcoming (Free) Conference Opportunities

ETOM (Educational Technology Organization of Michigan): The Fall 2020 Virtual Conference will be held on Friday, November 6.  They estimate that Zoom sessions will be about 45-50 minutes, but that may change depending on the number of submissions. The keynote speaker...

Active Learning Webinar Recording and Resources

Active Learning Webinar Recording and Resources

Here is a link to the recording of a webinar entitled “Engaging College Students Using Active Learning Techniques,” presented by Claire Major through The League for Innovation: The webinar also noted the free resources of the K. Patricia...

Virtual Event: Earth Day 50.5

Virtual Event: Earth Day 50.5

Construction Technology instructor Maddie Ek has been involved with a working group through the Michigan Sustainable Business Forum called Michigan Campus Sustainability Collective. This group is working on a virtual event called "Earth Day 50.5" that will be...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Opportunities

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Opportunities

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team is rolling out opportunities for staff and students to get involved in making positive social change on campus. In the last months, 3 new subcommittees have been formed to work with our NMC stakeholders. Each subcommittee has...

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