

Last week, my daughter pulled out of our driveway, taking herself off to her junior year in college. This Thursday, we drive my son to his freshman year. And then on Monday, NMC’s halls fill with all those new and returning Hawk Owls. I feel like I am in a huge...
Important Reminders About the New Online Learning Orientation (OLO)

Important Reminders About the New Online Learning Orientation (OLO)

What is OLO? Beginning with the 2019 Fall semester, students taking an online class at NMC for the first time and students who have not completed an online course at NMC with a 2.0 grade or better will be required to complete an Online Learning Orientation (OLO)...
Fall Updates from Ed Tech

Fall Updates from Ed Tech

The nights are getting cooler and the days shorter, which can only mean one thing: fall semester is nearly here! As you prepare for a new year of instruction, here are a few important things your friendly neighborhood Education Technology Department has been working...
Fall Moodle Dates to Remember

Fall Moodle Dates to Remember

As summer winds down, Moodle winds up! Below you’ll find important Moodle dates to remember: Wednesday, August 14th — Moodle updated from version 3.5 to 3.6: More information will be sent out soon, but expect Moodle to be unavailable for around 24-hours during the...
Upcoming Moodle Dates

Upcoming Moodle Dates

Keep the following Moodle-related dates in mind as we rapidly approach the start of the summer term: Monday, May 6th — Students populated in Summer 2019 (1903) courses. You’ll be able to see student lists in Moodle on this day. Students will not be able to see courses...