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Spring #RUMoodleReady? We’re Ready for You!
After a holiday break of eating and celebrating and forgetting responsibilities, the reality of spring semester can hit like a Looney Tunes brick wall. But with Ed Tech's help, you can be the Roadrunner and not Wile E. Coyote. While we might not be able to help you...
Wish Dennis Well
Use the comment feature at the bottom of the screen to send Dennis a retirement message.
Moodle Minute(s) E24: Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs in Moodle
This week’s tutorial discusses the difference between using Microsoft Word and Google Docs in your Moodle course shells. While both formats work perfectly fine for sharing course content with students, this tutorial reveals just how much quicker and smoother Google...
PD opportunities on assessment, writing, and reflection
Treat yourself to some practice-stretching PD with these two opportunities. Let us know if you have more opportunities that you’d like to share! Sign up for the free newsletter Grading for Growth covers “all things related to alternative grading practices based...