In calculus III we spend the majority of our time studying functions in 3-dimensional space. I told the students early on that making a real 3-D model would, at times, be the only way they would really be able to “see” it. Most of the semester our 3-D grapher has been...
4 x 4 x 16 Challenge Articles
Why I Hated
“Use Remind,” they said, “your students will find it so convenient!” “Remind is instant,” they said, “and all your students will see updates right away!” “Remind is Safe,” they said, “nobody will be able to see or steal your students’ numbers and they won’t see...
EMT Putt Putt: A Team Building Exercise
We’ve all started new jobs before and we’re all familiar with the challenge of getting to know new colleagues and learning about the culture and climate of a new workplace. Twelve people work in the Educational Media Technologies department here at NMC, and four of...
Yavapai College Syndication
Seinfeld, Jeopardy, Teaching @ NMC, Law & Order, TELS Webletter, The Big Bang Theory. The list of popular syndication deals goes on and on and on. Yavapai College, the community college in Arizona that originated the writing challenge idea, is currently hosting...
Have you Heard of the Sharing Cart?
For this week's 4x4x16 challenge I had to sit and ask myself, "What can I bring to the challenge that would be useful to others relating to teaching and learning? I do not teach so how can I contribute?" I thought about this for awhile and then thought I can share...
Point of No Return
This was the week of no return. At an average of 100 pts a week, the 11th week marks the point at which some students have enough points to pass the course. They will pass regardless of what they do for the remainder of the semester. The students who have enough...
Teaching Worldliness
Now that educational technology has advanced to the place where it threatens the traditional role of the teacher, I find myself pondering just what our role is as educators. I addressed this question in general in a prior post, but today I would like to discuss what I...
Skywalker or Lucas?
Since many of us are waiting in anticipation of the newest Star Wars episode, I thought I might use that for inspiration. I recently watched a TED talk by Will Wright (found here), twice. Will is a game developer and has most notably created SimCity, The Sims, and...
Coming of age with technology choices
Computers and I grew up at the same time, and perhaps that is why I see using technology in my teaching as a way to solve problems rather than a threat to my profession. When I was small, computers were as big as a room and my dad let us play with the key cards....