Full Rekognition

Full Rekognition

Three years ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched Rekognition, a video scanning service designed to recognize key elements within a video frame. If IMDB ever helped you recall which actor starred in what movie, then think of Rekognition as the ultimate video search...
Conceivable Dreams – Part Three

Conceivable Dreams – Part Three

In the spring of 1955, Eugene made two life-changing decisions that would define his future. First, he decided to pursue his roommate’s girlfriend or recently made ex-girlfriend, and on February 14th he enlisted in the Navy, telling his mother, “I am no...
Week 4 – Do What Matters.

Week 4 – Do What Matters.

  I’ve been questioning whether or not to write this particular blog.  I’ve come to the conclusion that this story needs to be shared. During our narrative unit, I chose to wear a particular shirt that has the message “Free MOM Hugs”.  The...
Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Persuasive Writing is Purr-fect for ENG111

Unit 3 of the ENG111 curriculum is designed to help out students learn the elements of effective argumentative writing. We refer to them as Pathos, Ethos, and Logos — Emotions, Ethics, and Logic.  This week’s active and applied learning project was to put these...
Helping Students Remember

Helping Students Remember

As I mentioned in my last post, this summer I read Small Teaching by James Lang and found it incredibly informative. Another interesting topic he writes about is how to help students remember course information. He calls this retrieval and says that if we want...