Join an LC@NMC
Take advantage of the benefits a learning community provides: collective inquiry, supportive environment, increase your pedgogical practice and group synergy. Working in a community, your group can explore an area of interest and decide which direction to go and how...
NMC Reads: Paying the Price by Sara Goldrick Rab
We all know that college--even community college--is expensive. It is hard for many of our students here at NMC to afford tuition, fees, food, housing, and books let alone take on those costs while also trying to work less so they have time to go to class and do...
Here’s the Scoop on the Newsletter
Big news: the CIE Newsletter, the Accessibility Newsletter and the Scoop have all combined to become the new CIE & EMT Newsletter. It will come out via your email twice a month and update you on everything you need to know in terms of Moodle, technology, and...
Important Upcoming Moodle Dates
Below you'll find important Moodle dates to remember: August 22nd - Students populated in Fall 2017 (1801) courses. You'll be able to see student lists in Moodle. Students will not be able to see courses unless you turn a course on early. August 25th - Fall 2017...
Summer Shorts
Summer Shorts are a series of SHORT videos on how to use different technology tools in your teaching. The series has included videos on Google Docs, Ensemble video recording, etc. To watch any of the videos from the series, visit the Summer Shorts Playlist.
A Call to Order
I learned something really cool about Moodle's ordering questions. If you are familiar with these, skip to the last two paragraphs; otherwise, read on for a description of them and how they work. Mark Delonge turned me on to "ordering" questions in Moodle a couple...
Learning Communities Celebrates Its Second Year!
celebrates its second year! Congratulations to all those faculty and staff that made Learning Communities great this year. Groups included Belongingness, New Faculty, e-Portfolio, Coaching, and Collaboration for Universal Design. Participants in the Belongingness LC...
Sharing Showcase – Jason Slade Using GoPro’s
GoPRO’s serve many instructor and student needs Jason Slade has met the assessment challenge by using GoPRO’s (cameras that attach to your body) with his RAM120 robotics students. He has figured out all kinds of uses for the GoPro that help not only students but...
Important Upcoming Moodle Dates to Remember
Summer and Fall 2017 Moodle courses are now ready for you to develop. As we wrap up the Spring 2017 term and prepare for Summer courses, please keep the following Moodle dates in mind: May 7th - Students populated in Summer 2017 (1703) courses. You'll be able to see...
Coming Fall 2017: New Moodle Theme & Features
In the Fall of 2017 Moodle is going to look and feel a little different. We're upgrading from Moodle 2.9 to 3.2, which offers improvements to current features and several new features. We'll also be installing a new theme, changing the visual design of each of your...