Preparing For The Worst

Preparing For The Worst

In the years 2001-2006 Israel experienced devastating terrorist attacks on civilians. This was the worst period in its history and the threat of terrorism was felt throughout the country. Today, there are still terrorist attacks, but Israel is now a global leader in...

Low Floor High Ceiling Tasks

Low Floor High Ceiling Tasks

I first heard of low floor high ceiling math tasks on a K-12 math blog. It’s an interesting concept; find a task that everyone in the class can start and that adequately challenges all students. To say the least, I was skeptical, so I tried it out. My first attempt...

ML & U

ML & U

If you haven't heard the acronyms ML (Machine Learning) or NLP (Natural Language Processing) being tossed about in relationship to artificial intelligence (AI), that's good because the technology shouldn't be the focus, but rather how it affects you and the way you...

Experiential Scouting

Experiential Scouting

Boy Scouts (now Scouts BSA) have been around since 1907 after Lt. General Robert Baden-Powell re-wrote his “Aids to Scouting” manual (originally published in 1903). In 1910 Scouting came to the United States. During the last 109 years in the United States, Scouts BSA...

Sharing Showcase Facelift

Sharing Showcase Facelift

The new & improved Sharing Showcase is a collection of videos that feature faculty members discussing teaching activities and strategies. We recently updated this great resource by creating an Ensemble Portal to feature the contributions made by NMC faculty....

Developing a New Online or Hybrid Course?

Developing a New Online or Hybrid Course?

If you plan to create a new online or hybrid course to be delivered in the fall of 2020, please plan to have the Online Course Development Request Form submitted by November 1st. Instructors should complete the first section of the form and submit it to their academic...